Kunsten at tænke klart and Kunsten at handle klogt
Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag | 2014, 2015
Book design
Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag | 2014, 2015
Book design
The Danish translations of the international bestsellers Die Kunst des klaren Denkens and Die Kunst des klugen Handelns by Rolf Dobelli feature a unique design for the Danish market. They reflect the challenges of clear thinking and the numerous irrational impulses that constantly disrupt our thought processes.
Awarded Årets Bedste Bogarbejde 2014
Kunsten at tænke klart was selected as one of the best-designed books in 2014 by the Forening for Boghaandværk.
Awarded Årets Bedste Bogarbejde 2014
Kunsten at tænke klart was selected as one of the best-designed books in 2014 by the Forening for Boghaandværk.